Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Dwight Roberto Acosta Najarro


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Curriculum Vitae
Wilmer Carbajal Villalta

Personal Information

Citizenship: Peruvian
Corresponding address: Calle Los Pinos s/n, Santa Rosa (Chiclayo), Perú
Pone/Fax: ++51-74- 418035
web site:

Fishery Biologist, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. 1981.
MSc, mention Oceanography, University of Concepción, Chile. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Franklin Carrasco. Dissertation: "Effects of the organic enrichment on the sublittoral macroinfauna in San Vicente bay, central Chile”. 1994.
PhD, Oceanography, University of Concepción, Chile. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Franklin Carrasco. Dissertation: "Larval dispersion and recruitment of the benthic sublittoral macroinfauna of the Concepción bay, Chile”. 1997.

Professional Experience

1987 - at present: Principal Professor at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Perú.

1998 - at present: Director and principal researcher at the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Lambayeque, Perú.
Major Research Interests

Intertidal, subtidal and shelf benthos. Structure and ecology of benthic invertebrates in soft and hard bottoms. Relationships between environment and benthic communities in coastal upwelling areas. Effects of the contamination by industrial fishery activity on the distribution and structure of the benthos.

Grants and External Funding

1993 – 1997: Grant received from German Service for Academic Exchange (DAAD), University of Concepción for the MSc. and PhD work.

Carbajal, W., Carrasco, F.D., Curo, P., Zamora, J. (1995). Cambios en la estructura comunitaria de la macroinfauna de playas arenosas, después de El fenómeno El Niño 1986-1987, en Lambayeque, Perú. Gayana Oceanol., 3 (1): 29-40.
Carrasco, F.D., Carbajal, W. (1995). Enriquecimiento orgánico de los sedimentos y el tamaño de los organismos macrobentónicos de la Bahía de San Vicente, Chile central. Gayana Oceanol., 3(2): 89-98.
Carrasco, F.D., Carbajal, W. (1996). Reclutamiento de la macroinfauna bentónica en un área influenciada por surgencias costeras: Bahía Concepción, Chile central. Gayana Oceanol., 4 (2): 169-181.
Carrasco, F.D., Carbajal, W., Palma, M. (1996). El macrobentos del sublitoral de Bahía de San Vicente, Chile: dominancia ecológica y diversidad específica en un gradiente de enriquecimiento orgánico. Gayana Oceanol., 4(2): 195 - 211.
Carrasco, F.D., Carbajal, W. (1998). The distribution of polychaete feeding guilds in organic enriched sediments of San Vicente Bay, Central Chile. International Review of Hydrobiology 83 (3): 233-249.
Carbajal, W., Ramirez, P., Maco, J. (2001). Efectos de El Niño 1997-1998 sobre la pesquería de los invertebrados marinos en el litoral de Lambayeque. Inf. Prog. Inst. Mar Perú N° 139: 3 – 16.
Carbajal, W., Castro, J., Ramirez, P., De La Cruz, J., Bances, S. (2004). Changes of macrobenthic sublittoral community structure associated to the industrial fishery activity and oceanographic conditions in Puerto Malabrigo (La Libertad), March and June 2003. Inf. Prog. Inst. Mar Perú (In press).
Lecturer of Training Courses

Detection and evaluation of the contamination on the marine benthos. April, 6 – 11, 1998. Univ. Nac. Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque-Perú.
Detection of the environmental effects on the marine communities. I. August 31 – September 4, 1998. IMARPE, Pisco – Perú.
Detection of the environmental effects on the marine communities. II. Febraury, 8 – 13, 1999. IMARPE, Callao - Perú.
Detection of the environmental effects on the marine communities. III. April, 12 – 17, 1999. IMARPE, Callao - Perú.


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