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Walter D. Gonzalez Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. - BS in physics, 1967, National Engineering University, Lima - Peru. - MSc in space physics, National Institute for space Research, sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo - Brazil. - Research Assistant, 1970-1971, Space Sciences Lab, University of California, Berkeley. - Research Assistant, 1972-1973, Plasma Physics Center, Stanford University, California. - PhD in Physics, 1973, University of California, Berkeley -USA. - Research Associate, 1985-1986, Space Sciences, JPL/CALTECH, California. - Research Associate, 1993, Space Environmental Center, NOAA, Boulder, Co. - Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), since 1969. Visiting Professor: - September-October 1977, Max Planck Institute, Munich. - March 1987, Academy of Sciences, Space plasmas, Moscow. - October-November, 1990, Physics Department, University of Rome, Italy. - July-September, 1996, Space Environment Lab, Nagoya University, Japan. - October 1999, Space Physics, University of L' Aquila - Italy. - March 2000, July 2001, Space Sciences, JPL, Pasadena, California. Honors: - American States Organization Fellowship, 1968-1969. - NASA Fellowship, 1970-1971. - National Research Council Associateship, 1985-1986. - NASA consultant, since 1987. - National Academy of Sciences Associateship, 1993. Principal Activities - President of the Latin-American Space Geophysical Union, 1999-2001. - Head of the Space Sciences Division, INPE, Brazil, 2000-2001. - Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 1993-1994. - Convener of the first Workshop on “Storm/Substorm relationship”, held in Brazil in 1991. Co-convener of the following five Workshops on the same topic, held in Boulder - Colorado (1993), Hokaido - Japan (1994), UCLA - California (1996), Max Planck Institute - Munich (1997) and Athens - Greece (1999). - Convener of the “Magnetic Storms” Chapman Conference, February 1996, JPL - Pasadena, California. - Co-Editor of the "Magnetic Storms" Book, American Geophysical Union, 1997. - Author (or co-author) of 161 papers published in refereed International Journals in topics related to Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Author (or co-author) of 7 chapters in books and of several review papers dealing with Solar-Terrestrial Physics. - Have advised 8 PhD theses in Space Physics and taught several courses in the Graduate School of Space Physics at the National Institute for Space Research of Brazil. Presently: - Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil (have been affiliated to this Institute since 1969). - Coordinator of the Brazilian Space Weather Program. - Head of the Scientific Satellite Program, INPE, Brazil. - Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Latin American Association of Space Geophysics. - Distinguished consultant scientist, JPL/NASA - CALTECH (since March 2000).