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Dr. Hernández Figueroa, was born in Lima, Peru, on the 29th of
January of 1959. He received the title Engenheiro Eletrônico, from
the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1983, the M. Sc.
degree (with thesis) in Electrical Engineering (antennas and propagation)
in 1986 and the M. Sc. degree (with thesis) in Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science (numerical analysis) in 1988, both from the Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ), Brazil, and received the
Ph. D. degree in Physics (optical fibers/integrated optics) in 1992, from
the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of
London, London, UK.
From 1984 to 1986, he was a Research Assistant at PUC/RJ, Computer Science
Department. From 1985 to 1989, he was an Assistant Professor at the Military
Institute of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. From 1992 to 1995, he was a Senior Research Fellow at
University College London (UCL), University of London, London, UK, Department
of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. In March 1995, he joined the
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(FEEC), Department of Microwaves and Optics (DMO), as an Associate Professor.
He was a Visitor Professor at University of New Mexico, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, USA, between January
and March of 1998. He is also a consultant for several Telecommunication
Companies. Between 1996-1998, he was Vice-President of the Brazilian Electromagnetics
Society (SBMAG), and between 1998-2000 he was Vice-President of the Brazilian
Microwave and Optoelectronics Society (SBMO).
Dr. Hernández Figueroa is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Including the following societies: Antennas
and Propagation (AP), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Microwaves
Theory and Techniques (MTT), Lasers and Electro-Optics (LEOS), Communications
and Education). He is a Founder Member of the International Compumag Society,
and an active Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA). He is also
the IEEE MTT-S Representative for Latin America, and was the President
of the IEEE MTT-S and ES Chapters linked to IEEE South Brazil Section,
and AdCom member of the IEEE Education Society.
Dr. Hernández Figueroa has published over 120 papers in international
journals and conferences. He is a regular referee for the IEEE Journal
of Quantum Electronics, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE Transactions on Microwaves Theory and
Techniques, and several other top international journals and conferences.
He has also served as general chairman and organizer of several international
conferences and editor of several special issues in top technical journals.
He has delivered innumerous invited talks at Conferences and Institutions
in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Peru, and several other countries.
He founded the International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education
(ICECE), whose first version was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August
11-14, 1999, The second version was
held in São Paulo, Brazil, August 27-30,
The third version will be held in São Vicente, São Paulo,
Brazil, March 16-19, 2003, He was the
Microwave and Optoelectronics Editor of the Brazilian Telecommunications
Society Journal, between 1998 and 2001. In 2000, Dr. Hernández
Figueroa was awarded the IEEE Third Millennium Medal for his outstanding
contributions in engineering research and education. He has also been
appointed as member of the technical committee of the Integrated Photonics
Research Symposium, which is an Optical Society of America Topical Meeting,
for the period 2000-2003. He is the Coordinator of the Optical Communications
Area of CEPOF (Photonics and Optics Excellence Research Center,
This year, in November, he was appointed Member of the Electromagnetics
Academy, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), "in
recognition of his scholarly accomplishments and significant contributions
to the field of Electromagnetics and its various applications".
Presently, Dr. Hernández Figueroa is the Head of DMO and the leader
of the PWG (photonics and wireless group), which comprises about 20 members,
including post-docs, Ph D and M. Sc. students. Novel and efficient algorithms
have been produced for the modeling of a wide variety of photonic and
wireless devices, which include, Doped Fiber and Waveguide Amplifiers,
Band Gap and Nanotechnology structures. Recently, facilities and expertise
for the fabrication of those devices are being actively built under his
supervision, and will soon be part of the PWG's research lines. He is
also involved in research projects dealing with distance learning, virtual
labs, multimedia and web based technology.