Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Víctor Latorre


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Víctor Latorre
Place and date of birth: Cusco-Peru, 20 Dic 1932

Higest degree obtained: Ph D (Physics), U de Maryland-USA, 1965

Major field: Experimental Nuclear Physics (Low Energy Spectroscopy)

Other fields of interest Applied Mathematics, Physics Teaching, Information Science

Representative publications: "N-14 Levels from Elastic Scattering of Protons by C-13",
The Physical Review, 144-3, 891 (1966)
(con J C Armstrong)

"1.7-Mev Anomaly in the C-12(p,p)C-12 Reaction",
The Physical Review, 144-3, 823 (1966)
(con J C Armstrong y otros)

Academic posts. Emeritus Professor of Physics National University of Engineering, Lima-Peru, 1965-85

Professor, Graduate School
Ricardo Palma University, Lima-Peru, 1996 to date

Science Administration posts Councilor, then President of Directive Council
and consultancies Latin American Center for Physics, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, 1968-78

Dean of Science (and Founder of the School of Physics)
National University of Engineering, Lima-Peru, 1969-76

Councilor, then Research Director for Physics
National Research Council, Lima-Peru, 1969-70, 80-5

Peruvian Coordinator, Multinational Physics Program
Organization of American States, Washington-USA, 1970-76

Peruvian Coordinator, French Physics Cooperation Program
CENG, Grenoble-France, 1970-83

Councilor, Scientific Council
International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste-
Italy, 1970-82

Coordinator, Peruvian Basic Sciences Program (Physics) Ford Foundation, Lima-Peru, 1971-8

Councilor, then Vice President of Scientific Council
International Center of Physics, Bogota-Colombia, 1983 to date

Peruvian Institute for Nuclear Energy, Lima-Peru, 1987-8

University Research Director
Antenor Orrego University, Trujillo-Peru, 1992-4

Other activities: Founder and Director of Multiciencias, 1981 to date
(Summer School in Cusco-Peru, see List of Activities)

Member, Educational Reform Commission
Ministry of Education, Lima-Peru, 1971-73

President, Natural Sciences Section
Nat Com for Culture Promotion Awards, Lima-Peru, 1977

Council Member
Inter American Conferences on the Teaching of Physics, 1995

Associations, past and present Sigma Pi Sigma (EU), 1961-
: The Society of the Sigma Xi (EU), 1964-
The American Physical Society (EU), 1966-72
Peruvian Astronomical Association, 1967-
National (Peruvian) Academy of Sciences 1968- date
Peruvian Physical Society, 1973-
Peruvian Association for Nuclear Technology, 1983-
Sociedad Peruana de Gestión Científica y Tecnológica, 1985-
Academia Nuclear del Perú, 1995-

Conferences and meetings attended: Some 30 or 40 over the years, with sponsorship from the organizers and very seldom from local sources.

Teléfono 9965-7402

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