Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Jorge Linares


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LINARES                                   Jorge
Chepen (Pérou) 21/08/1949

Lab. GEMaC (UMR  CNRS/UVSQ N° 8635)
Université de Versailles St. Quentin en Yvelines
45 Av. des Etats-Unis, 78000 Versailles, France

Professeur des Universités Classe Exceptionnelle

Formation :
-Licence et master de Physique (Licenciatura) à l’Université PUCP de Lima – Pérou (1968-1973) (premier et deuxième cycle)
-Doctorat à l’Université de Grenoble, juin 1977 (Troisième Cycle)
-HdR Université Pierre et Marie Curie-P6, lab.DRP (actuellement INP), 7 déc. 1994 (Ecole doctorale P6)

Parcours Professionnel
Après mes études de Licence et master au Pérou, j’ai réalisé ma thèse à Grenoble (1973-1977)° et ensuite je suis retourné travailler comme enseignant-chercheur à l’Université PUCP à Lima-Pérou. En 1989, après presque 10 ans de travail au Pérou, je suis retourné en France : d’abord comme McF à Paris VI (UPMC) et ensuite en 1996 j’ai obtenu mon poste de Professeur à l’UVSQ.

Parcours Professionnel chronologique :

1978-1982 Maître de Conférences à l’Université PUCP de Lima – Pérou
Sept 1980-août 1981 Chercheur invité à l’Université d’Uppsala – Suède
1982 Chercheur invité au CEA- Grenoble
1983-1985 Maître de Conférences à l’Université PUCP de Lima– Pérou
Sept 1985-août 1986 Assistant Associé à l’Université du Maine – France
1986-1988 Maître de Conférences à l’Université PUCP de Lima– Pérou
1988-1989 Professeur à l’Université PUCP de Lima-Pérou
1989-1996 Maître de Conférences à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI
1996-2004 Professeur 2ème classe UVSQ
2004-2009 Professeur 1ere classe UVSQ
2009 à présent : Professeur CE-1 UVSQ

Directeur du département de Physique de l’UVSQ de janvier 2009 à janvier 2012
-Membre élu du CNU – 28, deux mandats (mandat 2004-2007 et mandat 2011-2015)
- Responsable du master2 MATEC PhotoVoltaïque – Voiture Electrique
- Co-Responsable du Master Physique-Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (regroupant la première année du master et 5 spécialités en master2 : R2M, TRIED, DSME, CSER, MATEC-PVE)

PEDR de 1997-2010,  PES à partir de septembre 2010

Jorge LINARES: (mars 2016),
Professeur des Universités, Classe Exceptionelle UVSQ
( index-h >30,  avec 5 publicaciones avec >100 citationes et 11 publications avec >50 citationes)
Au total: 147 publicationes + 5 Chapitres-livres, avec >2700 citationes (>2260 without self-cit)
* correspong author


  • J. Linares*, C. Jureschi, A. Boulmaali, K. Boukheddaden*, "Matrix and size effects on the appearance of the thermal hysteresis in 2D spin crossover nanoparticules", PhysicaB, 486(2016)164–168
  • C. Jureschi, J. Linares*, A. Boulmaali, P.R. Dahoo, A. Rotaru and Y. Garcia*,"Pressure and Temperature sensors using two spin crossover materials" Sensors 2016, 16, 187
  • C. Jureschi, J. Linares*, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia*, "Multi-step in 3D spin crossover nanoparticules simulated by an Ising model using entropic sampling Monte Carlo technique", Magetochemistry, 2016, 2, 13
  • C. Jureschi, B.L. Pottier, J. Linares*, P.R. Dahoo, Y. Alayli, A. Rotaru, "Simulation of multi-steps thermal transition in 2D Spin Crossover nanoparticles", Physica B,486(2016)160–163
  • K. Boukheddaden*, R. Traiche, H. Oubouchou and J. Linares,, "Multisptep relaxation in a Spin-crossover Lattice with defect: a spatiotemoral study of the domain propagation", Magnetochemistry, in press.



  • C. Jureschi, J. Linares*, A. Rotaru, M.H. Ritti, M. Parlier, M. Dirtu, M. Wolff, Y. Garcia*, "Pressure sensor via optical detection based on a 1D spin transition coordination polymer”, Sensor, 15, 2388-2398 (2015)
  • D. Chiruta, C; Jureschi, J. Linares*, P.R. Dahoo, Y. Garcia, A. Rotaru, "On the origin of multi-Steps Spin Transition behaviour in 1D nanoparticles", Eur. Phys. J. B, 88(9), (2015), 1-5
  •  (*)A.O. Anele, Y. Hamam, L. Chassagne, J. Linares, Y. Alayli, K. Djouani, "Computation of the mutual inductance between air-cored coils of wireless Power Transformer", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 633 (2015) 012011
  • (*)A.O. Anele, Y. Hamam, L. Chassagne, J. Linares, Y. Alayli, K. Djouani, "Evaluation of the magnetic fields and mutual inductance between circular coils arbitrarily positioned in space", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 633 (2015) 012012
  • (*)A.O. Anele, Y. Hamam, L. Chassagne, J. Linares, Y. Alayli, K. Djouani, " Computational models of an inductive power transfer system for electric vehicle battery charge", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 633 (2015) 012010
  • (*) D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, P.R. Dahoo, P. Dimian.”Analysis of hysteretic spin transition and size effet in 3D spin crossover compounds investigated by Monte Carlo Entropic sampling technique in the framework of the Ising-type model”, J. of physics: CS 585 (2015) 012004
  • D. Chiruta, C.-M. Jureschi, J Linares*, J. Nasser and A. Rotaru - Analysis of spin crossover nanochains using parabolic approximation in the framework of  Atom-phonon coupling model, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 476, (2015), 61-70



  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, P.R. Dahoo, M. Dimian et Y. Garcia- Analysis of multi-step transitions in spin crossover nanochains, Physica B: Condensed Matter vol. 434 134-138 (2014).
  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, P. R. Dahoo, M.Dimian- Influence of pressure and interactions strength on hysteretic behavior in two-dimensional polymeric spin crossover compounds, Physica B: Condensed Matter. Vol 435 76-79 (2014).
  • D. Chiruta, C.-M. Jureschi, J. Linares*, Y. Garcia, A. Rotaru- Lattice architecture effect on cooperativity of spin transition coordination polymers, Journal of Applied Physics vol. 115, 045406 (2014).
  • (*) Y. Garcia, S. J. Campbell, J. S. Lord, J. Linares, M. Dîrtu, A. V. Pérez  V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, ”Spin conversion detected by Mösssbauer spectroscopy and mSR on a 1D FeII paramagnetic chain”, Hyperfine Interaction, accepted
  • (*) D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, P.R. Dahoo et M. Dimian - Analysis of hysteretic spin transition and size effect in 3D spin crossover compounds investigated by Monte Carlo Entropic sampling technique in the framework of the Ising-type model, Journal of Physics Conference Series, in press
  • I. Gudyma, V. Ivashko, J. Linares Diffusionless phase transition with two order parameters in spin-crossover solids” in J. Of applied Physics, vol.116, no.17, 173509 (2014).
  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, S. Miyashita, and K. Boukheddaden , ”Role of Open Boundary Conditions on the Hysteretic Behaviour of One-dimensionalSpin Crossover Nanoparticles”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 194309 ( 2014)
  • C.-M. Jureschi, I. Rusu, E Codjovi, J. Linares, Y Garcia, A Rotaru - Thermo- and piezochromic properties of [Fe(hyptrz)]A(2)center dot H2O spin crossover 1D coordination polymer: Towards spin crossover based temperature and pressure sensors, Physica B-Condensed Matter, vol. 449, (2014), 47-51


  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, M. Dimian,Y. Garcia*,

“Size effet and role of short- and Long-range interaction on 1D spin-crossover systems within the framework of an Ising-like model”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry vol. 5, pages 951-957 (2013).

  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, Y. Garcia, P.R Dahoo et M. Dimian- Analysis of the hysteretic behavior of 3D Spin Crossover Compounds hysteretir using an Ising like model, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 3601-3608 (Cover Page)
  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, M. Dimian, Y. Alayli and Y. Garcia*, Role of edge atoms on the hysteretic behaviour of 3D spin crossover nanoparticules using an ising like model”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 5086-5093


  • J. Linares*, E. Codjovi, Y. Garcia*

Pressure and Temperature Spîn Crossover Sensors with Optical Detection”, Sensors 2012, 12, 4479-4492

  • D. Chiruta, J. Linares*, P. Dahoo, M. Dimian

«Analysis of long-range interaction effects on phase transitions in two-step spin crossover chains by using Ising type systems and Monte Carlo entropic sampling technique”, Journal of Applied Physics, 12, 074906 (2012).

  • A. Rotaru, A. Graur, G. –M. Rotaru, J. Linares, Y. Garcia

“Influence of intermolecular interactions and size effect on LITH-FORC diagram in 1D spin crossover compounds”, J. Optelectronics and Advanced Materials, 14, 2012, 529-536.

  • A. Rotaru, J. Linares, F. Varret, E. Codjovi, A. Slimani, R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu, and J. Haasnoot

Pressure effect investigated with first-order reversal-curve method on the spin-transition compounds [FexZn1-x(btr)2(NCS)2] · H2O (x=0.6,1), Phys. Rev. B 83, 224107 (2011)

  • A. Rotaru, F. Varret, A. Gîndulescu, J. Linares, A. Stancu, J.F. Létard, T. Forestier, C. Etrillard,  “Size effect in spin crossover systems investigated by FORC measurements for surfacted [Fe (NH2-trz)3](Br)2.3H2O nanoparticles: reversible contributions and critical size”,  Eur. Phys. J. B 84, 439-449 (2011)
  • A. Muraoka, K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, and F. Varret

Two-dimensional Ising-like model with specific edge effects for spin-crossover nanoparticles: A Monte Carlo study, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054119 (2011)

  • (*)M. Paez Espejo, A. Gîndulescu, J. Linares, J. Nasser, and M. Dimian, Phase diagram of 2D spin crossover systems using the atom – phonon coupling model, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 07B102 (2011)
  • J. Nasser, S. Topcu, L. Chassagne, M. Wakim, B. Bennali, J. Linares, and Y. Alayli

“Two-dimensional atom-phonon coupling model for spin conversion: role of metastable states”
Eur. Phys. J. B  83 2 (2011) 115-132

  • (*) A. Gîndulescu, J. Linares, M. Dimian, A. Rotaru and J. Nasser, Analysis of phase transitions in spin-crossover compounds by using atom – phonon coupling model, Journal of Phys, 268, 012007(2011)
  • (*)A. Gîndulescu, A. Rotaru,  J. Linares, M. Dimian and J. Nassser, Metastable states at low temperature in spin crossover compounds in the framework of the atom-phonon coupling model,  Polyhedron,  30(2011) 3186-3188


  • L.M. Lawson-Daku, J. Linares, M.L. Boillot  “Ab initio static and molecular dynamics study of the absorption spectra of the 4-styrylpyridine photoswitch in its cis and transforms”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 12, 6107-6123 (2010). 
  • (*)A. Gîndulescu, A. Rotaru, J. Linares, M. Dimian, and J. Nasser, “Excited metastables electronic spin states in spin crossover compounds studies by atom-phonon coupling model: Gradual and two-step transition casesJournal of Applied Physics, 107, 09A959 (2010),
  • C. Chong, B. Berini, K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, J. Linarès, Y. Garcia, A. D. Naik, F. Varret “Characterization of Spin Crossover Crystal Surface by AFM”, Phys. Status Solidi A, 207, 1227–1231 (2010).
  • R. Boca, I. Salitros, J. Kozisek, J. Linares, J. Moncol, F. Renz, « Spin crossover in a heptenuclear mixed-valence iron complex », Dalton Transaction, 2010, 39, 2198–2200


  • A. Rotaru, J. Linares, S. Mordelet, A. Stancu and J. Nasser, “Re-entrance phase and excited metastable electronic spin states in one-dimensional spin crossover compounds explained by atom-phonon coupling model”, J. Appl. Phys. 106 (2009) 043507
  • A. Rotaru, F. Varret, E. Codjovi, K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, A. Stancu, P. Guionneau and J.F. Létard, «Hydrostatic pressure investigation of the spin crossover compound [Fe(PM-BIA)2(NCS)2] polymorph I using reflectance detection”, J. Appl. Phys. 106 (2009) 053515 
  • M. Dirtu, A. Rotaru, D. Gillard, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, B. Tinant, Y. Garcia, «Prediction of the Spin Transition Temperature in FeII One-Dimensional Coordination Polymers: an Anion Based Database”, Inorg.Chem. 2009, 48, 7838-7852
  • (*)A. Rotaru, A. Carmona, F. Combaud, J. Linares, A. Stancu, J. Nasser, « Monte Carlo simulations for 1 and 2D spin crossover compounds using the atom-phonon coupling model », Polyhedron, 28 (2009) 1684-1687
  • I. Salitros, R. Boca, L. Dlhan, M. Gembicky, J. Kozisek, J. Linares, J. Moncol, I. Nemec, L. Perasinova, F. Renz, I. Svoboda, H. Fuess, « Unconventional Spin Crossover in Dinuclear and Trinuclear Iron(III) Complexes with Cyanido and Metallacyanido Bridges”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2009), 21, 3141-3154
  • A. Rotaru, M. Dîrtu, C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, J. Linares, A. Stancu, Y. Garcia, « Calorimetric measurements of diluted spin crossover complexes [FexM1-x(btr)2(NCS)2]•H2O with M=Zn and Ni », Polyhedron 28 (2009) 2531-2536
  • V. Mishra, H. Mishra, R. Mukherjee, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, J.F. Létard, C. Desplanches, C. Balde, C. Enachescu, F. Varret, “Spin-transition in [FeII(L5)2][ClO4]2 5L5=2-[3-(2-pyridel)pyrazol-1-1methyl](1-méthylimidazole)]: a further example of coexistence of features”, Dalton Trans 2009, 7462-7472
  •  (*) S. Rossano, L. Jean-Soro, B. Boizot, F. Farges, E. van Hullebusch, J. Labananowsky, L. Gouzin, R. Combes, J. Linares, C. Swarbrich, M. Harfouche, “Oxidation state variation number b-irradiation in an iron-bearing soda lime glass system”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 190 (2009) 012194
  • (*) V. Mishra, R. Mukherjee, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, F. Varret, M. Lawson-Daku, ”spin-transition in nearly cubic site in [FeII(L)3][PF6]2, Hyperfine Interactions, 188(2009)71


  • V. Mishra, R. Mukherjee, J. Linares, C. Balde, C. Desplanches, J.F. Létard, E. Collet, L. Toupet, M. Castro, F. Varret  “Temperature-dependent interactions and disorder in the spin transition solid [FeII(L6)2][ClO4]2 C7H8 through structural, calorimetric, magnetic, photo-magnetic and diffuse reflectance investigations”, Inorg Chemistry, 47, 7577-7587 (2008)
  • (*) A. Rotaru, J. Linares,E. Codjovi, J. Nasser, A. Stancu    “« Size and pressure effects in the atom phonon coupling model for spin crossover compounds »”, J. Appl. Phys, 103, 07B908 (2008)
  • (*) R. Tanasa, A.Stancu,E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F.Varret, J.F. Lettard, “A first order reversal curve investigation of pressure hysteresis in multiferroics spin transition compound", J. Appl. Phys., 103, 07B905 (2008)
  • (*)Garonne C., Orberger B., Linares J., Wagner C., Wirth R., Hashizume K. “Mossbauer spectroscopy used for iron-oxide determination in banded iron formations: Implications for analyses on the Martian surface”, Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta  72 (2008) A296-A296.
  • (*) S. Salunke, K. Ahmed, F. Varret, J. Linares, S. Zaware, S. Date, S. Rane “Dimeric Fe(II,III) complex of quinoneoxime as functional model of PAP enzyme: Mössbauer, magneto-structural and DNA cleavage studies”, Hyperfine Interaction, 185(2008)45-56


  • A. Rotaru, J. Linares

Atom-phonon coupling model for spin crossover compounds: Relaxation and Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis (LITH) simulations”
J. Optelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9, 2724-2730 (2007)

  • S. Klokishner, J. Linares

« Effets of Intra- and Intercenter Interactions in Spin Crossover: Application of the Density Matrix Method to the Nonequilibrium Low-Spin-High-Spin Transitions Induced by Light » J. Phys Chem. C, 2007, 111, 10644-10651

  • R. Tanasa, A. Stancu, J.F. Letard, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F. Varret

“Piezo- and thermo- switch investigation of the spin crossover compound
Chemical Physics Letters, 443, 435-438 (2007).

  • L.M. Lawson-Daku, J. Linares, M.L. Boillot

« Ab Initio static and molecular dynamics study of 4-styrylpyridine »
ChemPhysChem, 2007, 8, 1402-1416

  • K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, R. Tanasa, C. Chong

« Theoretical investigations on a axial nest nearest neighour Ising-like model for spin crossover solids : one- and two-step spin transitions »
J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 19 (2007) 106201

  • (*) R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu, F. Varret, J. Linares, E. Codjovi

«Study of impurities effect in spin compounds using first-order reverse curve (FORC) method »
Polyhedron, 26 (2007) 1820-1824

  • (*) M. Dirtu, Y. Garcia, M. Nica, A. Rotaru, J. Linares, F. Varret

Iron(II) spin transition 1,2,4-triazole chain compounds with novel inorganic fluorinated counteranions
Polyhedron, 26 (2007) 2259-2263

  • (*) R. Tanasa, J. Linares, C. Enachescu, F. Varret, A. Stancu

«Determination of the Physical Parameters Distribution in Spin Transition Compounds Using Experimental FORC Diagram”
Physica B, Cond. Matter, 372 (2006)  211-214

  • Enachescu, C; Varret, F; Codjovi, E; Linares, J; Floquet, S; Manikandan, P; Manoharan, PT

“Photoexcitation and relaxation properties of a spin crossover solid in the case of a stable high-spin state”, J. of Physical chemistry B, 110 (2006) 5883-5888

  • (*) C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, A. Stancu, F. Varret, J. Linares, E. Codjovi

"Kinetic Hysteresis In Spin Crossover Solids Analysed Using FORC Diagrams"
Physica B, Cond. Matter, 372 (2006)  211-214

  • (*) Enachescu, C; Tanasa, R; Stancu, A; Chastanet, G; Letard, JF; Linares, J; Varret, F

“Rate-dependent light-induced thermal hysteresis of [Fe(PM-BiA)(2)(NCS)(2)] spin transitions complex”
J. Applied Physics, 99, 8J504 (2006)

  • A. V. Todkary, R. Dalvi, S. Salunke -Gawali , J. Linares,F. Varret, J. Marrot, J. V. Yakhmi, M. Bhadbhade;, D. Srinivas;, S. P. Gejji,S. Y. Rane

“SOM assembly of hydroxynaphthoquinone and its oxime: Polymorphic X-ray structures and EPR studies”
Journal Spectrochimica Acta A, 63 (2006), 130-138

  •  Ali A., Salunke-Gawali S., Rao C.P.,  Linares J

“Mono- and di-nuclear Cu(II) complexes of p-tert-butyl-calix[4]arene-1,3-diacid derivative: A comparative study of their characterization and catecholase mimetic activity”
Ind. Journal of Chemistry Section A, 45 (2006), 853-857

  • R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, F. Varret

Phys Rev. B, 71, 14431 (2005).

  • C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, A. Stancu, F. Varret, J. Linares, E. Codjovi

First-order reversal curves analysis of rate-dependent hysteresis: The example of light-induced thermal hysteresis in a spin-crossover solid", Phys Rev. B, 72, 054413 (2005)

  • S. Salunke, S.Y. Rane, K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F. Varret, P.P. Bakare

THERMAL, MAGNETIC AND SPECTRAL STUDIES OF METAL-QUINONE COMPLEXES. Part III. Radical coordination and hydrogen bonding mediated exchange interaction in copper-hydroxyquinone complex Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, 79, 669-675 (2005)

  • H. Spiering, K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, F. Varret

Phys Rev. B, 70, (2004) 184106

  •  J. Nasser, K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares

Eur. Phys. J. B. 39 (2004) 219-227

  • (*) R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu, J. Linares, F. Varret

“Quasi-realistic distribution of interaction fields leading to a variant of Ising spin glass model”
            Physica B Condensed Matter,.343 (2004) 314-319

  • C. Enachescu, J. Linares, F. Varret,  K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, S. Salunke, and R.  Mukherjee

            Inorganic Chemistry, 43 (2004) 4880-4887

  • (*) C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, A. Stancu, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F. Varret

Physica B Condensed Matter, 343 (2004) 15-19

  • (*) R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu, J. Linares, F. Varret

New statistical method for characterization of structured recording media magnetization processes
J. Applied Physics, 95 (2004) 6750-6752

  •  R. Tanasa, C. Enachescu, A. Stancu,  J. Linares, E. Codjovi , F. Varret (INVITED PAPER) : « Physical parameter distribution in spin transition systems derived from FORC data »

J. Optelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6, (2004) 551-556

  • A. Ali , S. Salunke, C. P. Rao, and J. Linares

Inorganic Chem comm 7 (2004) 1298-1301

  • S. Salunke, S.Y. Rane, K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F. Varret, P.P. Bakare.

“Thermal, magnetic and electrochemical properties of polymeric copper complexes of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone and its methyl derivative”
Indian J. Chemistry,  43A, (2004), pp. 2563-2567

  •  J. Linares, C. Enachescu, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

Monte Carlo entropic sampling applied to spin crossover solids: the squareness of the thermal hysteresis loop
Polyhedron, 22 (2003) 2453-2456

  •  K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, F. Varret, V. Niel, J.A. Real

Journal of Applied Physics, , 93 (2003) 7103-7105

  •  C. Enachescu, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

« Non-linear behaviour of the spin transition compounds during photo-excitation and relaxation »
J. Optelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5, (2003) 261-264

  • (*) F. Varret, S. Arun Salunke, K. Boukheddaden,1 A. Bousseksou, E. Codjovi, C. Enachescu, J. Linares 

C.R. Chimie, 6 (2003) 385-395


  •  F. Varret, A. Bleuzen, K. Boukheddaden, A. Bousseksou, E. Codjovi, C. Enachescu, A. Goujon, J. Linares, N. Menendez and M. Verdageur

« Examples of molecular switching in inorganic solids, due to temperature, light, pressure, and magnetic field »
            Pure Appl. Chem., 74 (2002) 2159-2168

  •  K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret, S. Salunke, J. Linares, E. Codjovi

Non-linear relaxation of the photo-induced high spin state in spin-crossover solids: Effect of correlations
Phase transitions, 75 (2002) 733-741

  • Y. Fuchs, M. Lagache, J. Linares

C.R. Géoscience 334(2002) 245-249

  • M. Mellini, Y. Fuchs, C. Viti, C. Lemaire, J. Linares

European Journal of mineralogy, 14 (2002) 97-104

  • S. Klokishner, J. Linares, F. Varret

“Nonradiative relaxation in spin-crossover molecules: consideration of the frequency effect”
J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 13 (2001) 595-606

  •  C. Enachescu, J. Linares,  F. Varret

« Comparison of static and Light-Induced Thermal Hysteresis of a Spin crossover solid, in mean-field approach »
J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 13 (2001) 2481-2495

  •   P. van Konningsbruggen, Y. Garcia, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, O. Kahn, J. Linares, E. Codjovi, F. Varret

“A new 3-D polymeric spin transition compound: [tris(1,4-bis(tetrazol)-1-yl)butane-N1,N1’) iron(II)]bis(percholrate)”
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Transactions, (2001) 466-471

  •  O. Roubeau, A. F. Stassen, I. Ferrero-Gramage, E. Codjovi, J.Linares, F. Varret, J.G.Haasnoot, J. Reedjik

« Surprising features in old and new [Fe(alkyl-tetrazole)6] spin-crossover systems”
Polyhedron, 20 (2001) 1709-1716

  • C.Enachescu, H. Constant, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

" Direct access to the photo-excitation and relaxation terms in photo-switchable solids: non-linear aspects"
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 62 (2001) 1409-1422

  • A. F. Stassen ,O. Roubeau, I. Ferrero-Gramage, J.Linares, F. Varret, I. Mutikainen,

U. Turpeinen, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk
Polyhedron, 20 (2001) 1699-1707

  • .(*)  C. Enachescu, H. Constant, N. Menéndez, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, F. Varret

« Static and light induced hysteresis in spin-crossover compounds : experimental data and applications of Preisach-type models »
            Physica B 306 (2001) 155-160

  • J. Jeftic, M. Matsarskib, A. Hauser, A. Goujon, J. Linares, F. Varret

“Quasi-static nature of the light induced thermal hysteresis in [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 spin transition solid“
            Polyhedron, 20 (2001) 1599-1606

  • C. Parreira, C. Enachescu, J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 12 (2000) 9395-9406

  • S. Klokishner, J. Linares, F. Varret

Efect of hydrostatic pressure on phase transitions in spin-crossover 1D systems
Chemical. Physics, 255 (2000), 317-323

  • K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, H. Spiering, F. Varret

The European Physical Journal B, 15, 317-326 (2000)

  • J.linares, H. Spiering, F. Varret

« Analytical solution of 1-D Ising-like systems modified by weak long range interaction : Application to spin crossover compounds »
The European Physical Journal B, 10 (1999) 271-275

  • (*) O. Roubeau, J. G. Haasnoot, J. Linarès, F. Varret

                        J. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 335 (1999) 1253-1262

  • J. Jeftic, N.Menéndez, A.Wack, E.Codjovi, J.Linarès, A.Goujon, G. Hamel, S.Klotz, G.Syfosse, F.Varret

            Measurement Science and Technology, 10, (1999) 1059-1064

  •  (*) E. Codjovi, W. Morscheidt, J. Jeftic, J. Linares, M. Nogues, A. Goujon, O. Roubeau, H. Constant. A. Desaix, A. Bousseksou, M. Verdaguer, F. Varret

J. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 335 (1999) 1295-1304

  • S. Klokishner, J. Linares, F. Varret

Influence of the Piepho-mode on charge ordering in mixed-valence biferrocenium salts, Mossbauer spectra
            Chemical Physics 226 (1998) 171-185

  •  H. Constant, A. Stancu, J. Linares, F. Varret

            I.E.E.E. Trans. on magnetics, 34 (1998) 2213-2219

  •  Y. Fuchs, M. Lagache, J. Linares

Fe-tourmaline synthesis under different T and f(O-2) conditions
            American Mineralogist , 1998 , vol. 83 , no 5-6 , pp. 525 - 534

  • Y. Fuchs, J. Linares, M. Mellini

            Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 26, 111-115, (1998)

  • . W. Morscheidt, J. Jeftic, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, A. Bousseksou, H. Constant-Machado, F. Varret,

“Optical detection of the spin transition by reflectivity: application to [FexCo1-x(btr)(2)(NCS)(2)] H2O”
Measurement Science and Technology, 9, (1998) 1311-1315

  • . A. Desaix, O. Roubeau, J.Jeftic, J.Hassnoot, K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, M. Nogues, F. Varret

The European Physical Journal B, 6, 183-193 (1998)

  •  I. Shteto, J. Linares, F. Varret

« Monte Carlo entropic sampling for the study of metastable states and relaxation paths »
            Physical Review E 56 (1997) 5128-5137

  • Y. Fuchs, J. Linares, J.L. Robert

            Hyperfine Interactions 108 (1997) 527-533

  • . M. Cavellec, C. Egger, J. Linares,M. Nogues, F. Varret, G. Férey.

J.of solid state chemistry 134 (1997) 349-355

  • J.A. Real, I. Castro, A. Bousseksou, M. Verdaguer, R. Burriel, J. Linares, F. Varret

            Inorganic Chemistry 36  (1997) 455-464

  • H. Constant, J. Linares, F. Varret, J. Hassnoot, J.P. Martin, J. Zarembowitch, A. Dworkin, A. Bousseksou.

"Dilution Effects in a Spin Crossover System, Modelled in terms of Direct and Indirect intermolecular interactions »
            Journal de Physique I France  6 (1996) 1203-1216

  • F. Varret, J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden

"A double origin proposed for the various Mössbauer spectra of biferrocenium derivatives: Order-disorder and molecular bistability"
            Chemical Physics 212 (1996) 487-495

  • M.H. Delville-Desbois, S. Mross, D. Astruc, J. Linares, F. Varret, H. Rabaâ, A. Le Beuze, J.Y. Saillard, R. D. Culp, D. A. Atwood, A. H. Cowley.

            J.Am. Chem. Soc. 118 (1996) 4133-4147.

  • (*).  J. Linares, J. Nasser, K. Boukheddaden, A. Bousseksou, F. Varret

"Monte Carlo simulations of spin-crossover transitions using the two-level model
I. Mononuclear single sublattice case".
J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 140-144 (1995) 1507-1508

  • (*). J. Linares, J. Nasser, A. Bousseksou,K. Boukheddaden, , F. Varret

"Monte Carlo simulations of spin-crossover transitions using the two-level model
II. Binuclear case".
J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 140-144 (1995) 1503-1504

  • J.L. Fillaut, D. Astruc, J. Linares

Angew. Chem. Int., Ed. Engl. 33, 23/24, 2460-2462 (1995)

  • D. Astruc, J. Ruiz, M. Lacoste, B. Gloaguen, N. Ardoin, J. Linares, F. Varret

"Electronic Communication and Switching between two Iron Atoms across the Phenanthrene-Dihydrophenanthrene Bridging Ligands”
J. Chem. Soc. Chem Commun. (1995) 1565-1566

  • Y. Fuchs, M. Lagache, J. Linares, R. Maury and F. Varret

            "Mössbauer and optical spectrometry of selected schôrl-dravite tourmalines"
            Hyperfine Interactions, 96 (1995) 245-258

  • H. Rabaâ, M. Lacoste, M.H. Delville-Desbois, J. Ruiz, B. Gloaguen, N. Ardoin, D. Astruc, A. Le Beuze, J.Y. Saillard, J. Linares, F. Varret, J.M. Dance and E. Marquestaut.

            Organometallics, 14 (1995) 5078-5092.

  • J.R. Hamon, P. Hamon, K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, F.Varret, D. Astruc

"The 19-electron Fe(I) state in tentacled iron sandwiches: synthesis, stability, Mössbauer spectroscopy, electronic structure and chain Effect"
Inorg. Chem. Acta , 240 (1995) 105-108


  • . J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

"Cooperative two-orbital vibronic model for the solid-state properties of molecular mixed-valence salts and similar ferroelectric solids".
Chemical Physics, 182, 225-235 (1994)

  • Krober, J.P.Audière, R. Claude, O.Kahn, J.Hassnoot, F. Grolière, C. Jay, A.Bousseksou, J. Linares, F. Varret, A. Gonthier-Vassal

"Spin transitions and thermal hystereses in the molecular-based materials [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) and [Fe(Htrz)3](BF4)2.H2O"
Chemistry of Materials 6, 1404-1412 (1994)

  •  K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, F. Varret

"Analysis of Mössbauer data of biferrocenium salts, using a cooperative two-orbital vibronic P.K.S. model".
Phys. Rev. B, 49, 15659-15664 (1994)

  •  J.L. Fillaut, J. Linares, D. Astruc

« Einstufiger Sechs-Elektronen-Transfer in einem siebenkernigen Eisenkomplex : isolierung beider Redoxformen »
Angew Chemie, 106, 2540-2542 (1994)


  •  H. Rabah, J.Guillin, A. Cereze-Ducouret, J.M.Greneche, D.Talham, K.Boukheddaden,J. Linares, F. Varret

"Mössbauer study and molecular orbital simulation of the mixed-valence behavior of some ferrocene-ferricinium derivatives"
Hyperfine Interactions, 77, 51-66 (1993)

  •  K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, A. Bousseksou, J. Nasser, H. Rabah, F. Varret

"Intramolecular aspects of the electron transfer in the biferrocenium cation, using PKS theory".
Chemical Physics, 170,47-55 (1993)

  • (*) .  K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, S. Galam, A. Bousseksou, J. Nasser, F. Varret

"Application of a spin-1 model to describe localized-delocalized transitions in mixed valence molecular solids".
J. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 234, 263-268 (1993)

  • (*). A. Bousseksou, J. Nasser,J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

"A two-level model for the two-step spin-crossover".
J. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 234, 269 274 (1993)

  • . K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, S. Galam, F. Varret

"A discrete S=1 model for electron localization properties of the mixed-valence biferrocenium salts".
J. Of Physics : Condensed matter, 5, 469-476 (1993)

  • . K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, F. Varret

"Thermodynamic properties of coupled mixed-valence molecules using PKS theory in mean-field approach : a localized-delocalized continuous transition".
Chemical Physics, 172, 239-245 (1993)

  • . K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, S. Galam, F. Varret

A discrete S=1 model for electron localization in biferrocenium salts. II Application to Mössbauer data.
J. of Physics : Condensed matter, 5, 5179-5188 (1993)

  • . K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, F. Varret

"Mössbauer analysis and modelization of the order-disorder localization-delocalization transition in the mixed valence salt : di-ethyl biferrocenium tri-iodide".
Phys. Rev. B, 47, 14070-14074 (1993)

  • M.H. Delville, F. Robert, P. Gouzerh, J. Linares,K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret, D. Astruc

"Syntheses and structure of decamethylbiferrocene mono and dication triodides"
J. Organomet. Chemistry, 451, C10-C12 (1993)

  • . K. Boukheddaden, J. Linares, S. Galam, F. Varret

"Tunneling transfer in a coupled bistable oscillator pair".
Chemical Physics, 180, 43-53 (1993)


  • (*). A.Bousseksou, C. Place, J. Linares, F. Varret

Dynamic spin crossover in [Fe(2-BIK)3](ClO4)2 and [FE(Me22-BIK)3][BF4]2 investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy.
J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 104-107, 225 226 (1992)

  • . S.Rittinger, D. Buchhloz, R. Boese, M.H. Delville-Desbois, J. Linares, F. Varret, R. Ruttner, L. Zolnai, D. Astruc

Organometallics, 11, 1454 1456 (1992)

  • . A. Bousseksou, A.Ducouret-Cereze, M. Guillot, J. Hamman,J. Linares, J. Nasser, F. Varret

"Magnetic and Mössbauer data of Fe2+ in K2ZnF4 , analyzed in the spin hamiltonian formalism".
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 110, 295-298 (1992)

  • . A. Bousseksou, J. Nasser,J. Linares, K. Boukheddaden, F. Varret

"Ising-like model for the two-step spin-crossver"
J. Physique I, 2, 1381 1403 (1992)

AVANT 1992

  • . J.M. Greneche,J. Linares, F. Varret

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  • . J. Linares, J.R. Regnard, J.M. Greneche, G. Fillon

"A magnetic and Mössbauer study of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chain silicate: the cummingtonites (FexMg1-x)7 Si8O22(OH)2
J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys, 21, 1551-1560 (1988)

  • J.M. Greneche, J. Linares, F. Varret, Y. Laligand, G. Ferrey

"Mössbauer spectroscopy of the Magnetic behaviour of the frustrated series : A=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni »
J. Mag. Mag. Mat.,73, 115-122 (1988)

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"Magnetic structure calculation on a ferrimagnetic frustrated compound"
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  • J. Linares, T. Sundqvist

"Mössbauer data collection using an Apple II microcomputer"
J. Phys. E.: Sci. Instrum., 17, 350-351 (1984)

  • . T. Ericsson, J. Linares, E. Lötse

"A Mössbauer study of the effect of dithionite/citrate/bicarbonate treatement on a vermiculite, a smectite and a soil"
Clay Minerals, 19, 85-91 (1984)

  •  (*)J. Linares, J.R. Regnard, N. Van Dang

"Magnetic behaviour of grunerite from Mössbauer spectroscopy"
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 31-34, 715-716 (1983)

  • . M. Schlenker, J. Linares, J. Baruchel

"A spin-related contrast contrast effect visibility of 180° ferromagnetic domain wall in unpolarized neutron diffraction topography"
Phylosophical Magazine B, 37, 1-11 (1978)

  • (*). J. Linares, M. Schlenker, A. Mathiot

"X-Ray topographic observation of domain evolution in a magnetic field in TbIG"
Physica 86-88B, 1327-1328 (1977)

  • (*). M. Schlenker, J. Linares, J. Baruchel

"Observation of internal ferromagnetic domains by neutron diffraction topography"
Physica 86-88B, 1339-1340 (1977)
Livres ou Chapitres de livres

1. F. Varret, K. Boukheddaden, E. Codjovi, C. Enachescu, J. Linares,
Titre: «On the competition between relaxation and photoexcitation in spin-crossover solids under continuous irradiation”
: Topics in Current Chemistry: Springer Verlag (2004).

2 A. Stancu, C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, J. Linares, F. Varret, E. Codjovi
Titre: FORC experimental method for physical characterization of spin crossover solids
“Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics Research”, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2006

3. C. Enachescu, R. Tanasa, A. Stancu, F. Varret, J. Linares
Titre «Preisach model for spin transition compounds »
“Preisach memorial book”, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2006

4. P.R. Dahoo, M. Khettab, J. Linares, P. Pougnet
Titre: Ellipsométrie spectroscopique des interfaces
Dans  "Les systèmes mécatroniques embarqués" ISTE Editions, chapitre 2, pp 41-67, 2015 Collection: Génie mécanique et mécanique des solides .

5. P.R. Dahoo, M. Khettab, J. Linares, P. Pougnet
Titre: Non-destructive characterization spectroscopic ellipsometry of interfaces in mechatronic devices"
Dans  Embedded Mechatronic Systems 1. Analysis of Failures, Predictive Reliability, Elsevier, Chapter 2, 2015.

Mes noms d’auteur sont :
Linares J.
Linares Galvez J.
Linares G.

Lieux de travail :: Grenoble, Le Mans, Paris, Versailles, Uppsala (Suède), Lima (Pérou)
Techniques expérimentales
: Spectrométrie Mössbauer, Diffraction RX, Diffraction aux Neutrons, SQUID.
Domaines de recherches
: Magnétisme, magnétisme moléculaire, transition de spin (spin crossover) , valence mixte, Simulation Numériques (Monte Carlo avec création/adaptation d’algorithmes), transition de phase

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