Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Carlos Malpica


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Director General de Kina Biotech S.L., start-up Iberoamericana de reciente creación (2002) en el área de biotecnología.
De doble nacionalidad peruana-española, es Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo por la Universidad de Paris 7 y el Instituto Nacional Agronómico Paris-Grignon (Francia). Después de haber trabajado como biotecnólogo investigador en el Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (Francia), Washington University in St. Louis (USA), Scripps Research Institute (USA), Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (España), Universidad de Gante (Bélgica) y Centro de Investigaciones Medio-Ambientales Tecnológicas del Ministerio de Industria (España), ha conducido los proyectos de biotecnología de cereales para el grupo Danone (Francia). Antes de crear Kina Biotech trabajó para Syngenta AG (Suiza) como responsable mundial de desarrollo corporativo en el área de "output traits" de maíz, arroz, cebada y trigo.
Kina Biotech ofrece servicios de bioprospección de recursos naturales de países de la región Andina para la industria farmacéutica. Los servicios de valor agregado contemplan el empleo, entre otras herramientas, de librerías químicas y screening mediante técnicas de genómica funcional. Kina Biotech ha establecido una alianza estratégica en el área de la genómica funcional con MedPlant Genetics S.L.


1997. High studies diploma on European Union issues. Diplomatic School, Madrid, SPAIN

1993. Ph.D. Plant Molecular Biology. Paris University 7, FRANCE

1989. M. Sc. General Microbiology. Pasteur Institute & Paris University 7, FRANCE

1989. Agricultural Engineer. Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon, France

Currently engaged in the International Executive MBA program of Instituto de Empresa (due Feb 2003)


Professional proficiency : French, English and Spanish

Oral professional use : Italian, Portuguese

Basic dialogue level : Japanese


Chief Executive Officer - Kina Biotech S.L. Since October 2003

· Founding promoter of Kina Biotech S.L., start-up biotech company located in Bilbao, Spain
· Kina Biotech offers access to biological and biochemical diversity of the Andean Region in the form of crude extracts, purified and classified chemicals as well as active principles for specific therapeutic uses

Global Business Development Manager - Cereals. January 2001 - October 2003
Syngenta A.G. Global Headquarters in Basel, SWITZERLAND

· Conducted global cereal (wheat, barley and rice) value chain analysis for Syngenta Plant Science and Agribusiness
· Defined Syngenta's research and marketing strategy in cereal input and output traits
· Managed global cereal product portfolio with commercial responsibility for cereal input and output traits
· Managed Syngenta cereal value chain partnerships, in particular with the food and drink industry
· Implemented global marketing strategy for innovative cereal-based products

Head Business Development Output Traits. August 1999 - December 2000
Field Crops Europe. Novartis Seeds S.A. Toulouse, FRANCE

· Coordinated value chain projects with Crop Business and R&D management
· Developed Seeds and Crop Protection synergies for innovative output trait projects
· Conducted technology survey and market analysis on processes and traits relevant to the food and feed chain
· Planed business scenarios anticipating market needs and evaluating value capture potential
· Developed initiatives to address food and feed chain demand, in particular those concerning nutritionally enriched and healthier food as well as food and feed safety
· Assisted crop business management to evaluate and prioritize R&D projects for increased value

Wheat Biotechnology Research Coordinator. March 1998 - July 1999
LU (Biscuit Branch). DANONE Group. Paris, FRANCE

· Shaped DANONE's strategy in plant biotechnology including the set up of a cereal R&D program aimed at raw material quality and process improvement
· Coordinated DANONE's wheat biotechnology research program (600 kEuro budget)
· Strengthened DANONE's intellectual property portfolio in my area of expertise
· Developed and coordinated functional links to other DANONE's programs on product innovation, nutritional quality and food safety
· Established external collaborations with academic centers in North America, Latin America, Australia and Europe
· Represented the DANONE Group before the Plant Industrial Platform of the European Commission
· Organized training seminars for DANONE's personnel

Director Environmental Plant Biology Laboratory. January 1996 - December 1998
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
Ministry of Industry. Madrid, SPAIN

· Conducted a team of 15 scientists and engineers studying physiological impact of air pollution in plants
· Devised CIEMAT's research program in plant biotechnology and set up a new facility to apply molecular biology tools in environmental sciences
· Obtained funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science as well as the European Union to pursue proposed research projects
· Established collaborations with private sector in Spain (ENDESA) and abroad (ZENECA, NOVARTIS)
· Participated as invited speaker in several scientific meetings and published the results of our team

Research associate
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. Madrid, SPAIN. October 1993 - January 1994
University of Ghent. Ghent, BELGIUM. February 1994 - December 1995

· Conducted research on host plant-virus interaction and contributed to understanding of oxidative stress mechanisms involved in the hypersensitive response
· Established a collaborative research network with laboratories from Latin America funded by UNESCO and the European Union
· Directed M. Sc. Thesis of several young scientists
· Participated as chairman and invited speaker to scientific meetings in North America, Latin America and Europe

Washington University in St. Louis. Missouri, USA. November 1989 - September 1991
The Scripps Research Institute. California, USA. September 1991- September 1993

· In the frame of my Ph.D. thesis, studied and published on the molecular mechanisms of coat protein mediated resistance against potyviruses
· Developed the tools to apply our results to sweet potato improvement by genetic engineering
· Organized the first Latin American meeting on plant biotechnology in Venezuela

National Agronomic Research Institute. Toulouse, FRANCE. January -September 1989
Warwick University. Warwick, UNITED KINGDOM. July - August 1988

International Potato Center. Lima, PERU. December 1987 - February 1988


Previous responsibilities

· Organizer. First Latin American encounter on Plant Biotechnology for Crop Improvement (BIOCILA), Caracas, Venezuela in 1992
· Project evaluator. Colombia Scientific Council (COLCIENCIAS) in 1994
· Invited expert. Organization of American States panel on 'Academic training and engineering tools', Mexico in 1995
· Member. International organizing committee of REDBIO 95, REDBIO 98 and REDBIO 2001, Latin American encounters on plant biotechnology
· Coordinator. UNESCO-UNITWIN network for strengthening of higher education in plant biotechnology in Brazil and Peru
· Coordinator. Agricultural Biotechnology network for Latin America. ALFA program of the European Union

Current responsibilities

· Expert evaluator. EU Commission DG XII - Science and Technology. Impact ofBiotechnology
· Member. FAO Latin American technical cooperation network on plant biotechnology
· Editor. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology of Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


Born March 7th 1966
Married to Dr. Maria Teresa Cervera, no children

Dr. Carlos A. Malpica Lizarzaburu *
Kina Biotech S.L.


Teléfono 9965-7402

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