Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Piero Morosini


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Artículos de opinión







"Las ciencias sociales y gestionales - Posibilidades de colaboracion peruano-internacionales"

Professor of Strategy and Execution at IMD - International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne. He has, since 1988, besides his academic interests in mergers, acquisitions and alliances, and knowledge management, pursued an international career in strategy consulting, as well as change management in the financial/ banking industries.

He is currently carrying out a series of research initiatives at IMD, particularly a large-scale empirical study on “The Common Glue” for successful global performance of multinational companies (please see: ), and the editing of a book on “Conflict Mergers and Acquisitions” to be published by Financial Times – Prentice Hall on Spring 2003.

Prior to joining IMD in August 1998, he was a Managing Consultant at Andersen Consulting Strategic Services Group (today’s Accenture) in Milan Italy, having formerly worked at McKinsey & Company, JP Morgan, Robert Fleming and the Andean Community, in several locations across Europe, the US and Latin America.

He has attended graduate studies at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (1986-88), where he obtained a Ph.D. in Management, an M.A. in Decision Sciences and an MBA, and has graduated in Economics at Universidad del Pacífico, Lima (1984).

He is a Thought Leadership award winner worldwide at (former) Andersen Consulting Strategic Services Group (today’s Accenture) in 1997-98, and a Senior Research Fellow at ISVOR FIAT since March 2001. He has previously been a Research Fellow at the Wharton Risk Management Center, Philadelphia (1995-98), as well as at the Strategy Department of the Bocconi University, Milan (1993-94).

He has authored a book: Managing Cultural Differences: Effective Strategy and Execution Across Cultures in Global Corporate Alliances (please see: ). He has also published on globalization strategies, knowledge management, managerial execution, mergers and acquisitions and strategic alliances in journals such as: Journal of International Business Studies, and the European Management Journal.

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