Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Dwight Roberto Acosta Najarro


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Víctor Murray, Ph.D.
Nombre completo: Víctor Manuel Murray Herrera
Edad: 31 años
Research Assistant Professor, Miembro, IEEE
Director de Investigación de Image and Video Processing and Communication Lab

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Número celular en EE.UU.: +1 (505) 440-7838
Número en Perú: +51 1 436-5429
Las Violetas 477 Urb. Javier Prado, Ate, Lima.

Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The University of New Mexico (UNM), Septiembre 2008. GPA 4.05.
Disertación: “AM-FM methods for image and video processing.”
Asesor: Dr. Marios Pattichis.

M.S., Electrical Engineering, The University of New Mexico, Diciembre 2005. GPA 3.99.
Ingeniero Electrónico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Perú, Agosto 2004.
Tesis sobresaliente.
Bachiller en Ingeniería Electrónica, PUCP, Perú, Julio 2003.
Primer puesto.
Educación Primaria y Secundaria, Colegio Champagnat.
Quinto puesto de la promoción.


Experiencia Profesional
1/2010 – presente Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), UNM
• Director de Investigación del Image and Video Processing and Communication Lab (
• Desarrollo de nuevos métodos y algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes yvideos para aplicaciones médicas tales como retinopatía diabética, imágenes deresonancia magnética del cerebro e imágenes de ultrasonido. Colaboración activa con VisionQuest Biomedical.

• Desarrollo de arquitecturas nuevas y dinámicamente reconfigurables para conexiones adaptativas para paneles satelitales para Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) usando FPGAs y VHDL. Administración y coordinación del equipotécnico. Investigación y desarrollo de nuevo software y hardware.

• Colaboración en varios proyectos financiados (Fases 1 y 2) para National Institutes of Health (NIH), key investigator en proyectos financiados por DARPA y AFRL.

• Dictado del curso “ING609 Procesamiento de Imágenes Digitales” en la maestría del programa en conjunto entre la Pontificia Universidad Católica delPerú y University of New Mexico (UNM).
12/2008 – 12/2009 Post-Doctoral Fellow, ECE, UNM
• Desarrollo exitoso de nuevos algoritmos para la detección de retinopatía diabética usando métodos AM-FM (amplitud-modulada frecuenciamodulada).

• Desarrollo del primer prototipo de un nuevo hardware para conexiones adaptativas para AFRL.

• Colaboración en la preparación de propuestas de proyectos financiados (Fases1 y 2) para NIH y otras agencias gubernamentales y no gubernamentales,presentación de patentes.
8/2004 – 12/2008 Research Assistant/Graduate Assistant, ECE, UNM.
• Desarrollo de un nuevo algoritmo para clasificar diferentes actividades humanas en videos de seguridad para DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

• Desarrollo y enseñanza (clases y laboratorios) de diseño de hardware usandoFPGAs y VHDL.

• Enseñanza de clases de pregrado en UNM: (i) ECE 438 Diseño de Computadores, (ii) ECE 238L Diseño de Computadores Lógicos, y (iii) ECE 337Introducción a Organización y Arquitectura de Computadoras. Esto incluye eldesarrollo y preparación de las clases y laboratorios.

5/2008 – 8/2008 Research Scientist -Summer Internship, VisionQuest Biomedical, LLC, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Desarrollo de algoritmos avanzados de procesamiento de imágenes para la detección de degeneración macular asociada a la edad como extensión de parte demi tesis doctoral de métodos AM-FM.
8/2003 – 7/2004 Director, Lab. de Procesamiento de Señales e Imágenes, Dep. de Ingeniería Electrónica, PUCP. Coordinación, desarrollo y supervisión de proyectos y tesis de investigación.
1/2001 – 12/2002 Asistente de Investigación, Dep. de Ingeniería Electrónica, PUCP. Investigador principal. Proyectos: "Analizador Digital usando un Monitor VGA" y "Analizador Lógico con Salida VGA y Controles Activados desde un Mouse PS/2."
1/2001 – 7/2004 Jefe de Práctica, Departamentos. de Ingeniería Electrónica e Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones, PUCP. Circuitos Digitales, Circuitos Analógicos, Dispositivos y Circuitos Electrónicos, Laboratorio de Circuitos Digitales, Laboratorio de Circuitos Analógicos.

• En University of New Mexico, Dept. of ECE (2005-2006): ECE 238. Diseño de Computadores Lógicos (Summer 2005). ECE 337/CS341. Introducción a Organización y Arquitectura de Computadoras (Spring, Fall 2005). ECE 438. Diseño de Computadores (Spring 2006).

• En la PUCP en el programa de maestría conjunta con UNM "Procesamiento de Señales e Imágenes

ING 609. Procesamiento de Imágenes Digitales (2003-II).


Colaboraciones Activas de Investigación
• Air-Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Albuquerque, New Mexico, EE.UU.

o Panel Satelital de Conexiones Adaptativas (para mas información, por favor revisar la lista de publicaciones). Key investigator. Desarrollo del hardware usando VHDL y FPGAs; y administración y coordinación del proyecto y equipo técnico.

• VisionQuest Biomedical, Albuquerque, New Mexico, EE.UU.

o (i) Despistaje automático de retinopatía diabética, (ii) Predictor de Riesgo de Infarto (ver publicaciones) y (iii) Calificación de calidad de imágenes de retina. Key investigator. Desarrollo de la teoría y algoritmos principales para el procesamiento de imágenes y videos digitales usando AM-FM (amplitud-modulada frecuencia-modulada).

• PUCP, Sección de Electricidad y Electrónica, Perú (2009 -presente).

o Asesoría de tesis de pregrado.

o Colaboración activa de nuevos métodos en procesamiento de imágenes y videos digitales con Dr. Paul Rodríguez.



Áreas Primarias de Interés e Investigación Activa
• Procesamiento y Análisis de imágenes y videos médicos.

• Modelos para procesamiento de imágenes y videos digitales.

• Diseño de Arquitecturas Reconfigurables de Computadoras con aplicaciones para el espacio (satélites), señales biomédicas, y aplicaciones de imágenes y videos.

2005-2007 Vice-presidente y Presidente de Graduate Student Association of Electrical and Computer Engineering en UNM. 2004 Mención sobresaliente y ganador del premio Bernasconi por la mejor tesis en Ingeniería
Electrónica en la PUCP.
2003 Primer puesto de la promoción 2003-I de Ingeniería Electrónica en la PUCP.
2002 Presidente de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Electrónica (AEE) en la PUCP.


• Profesor en la maestría del programa en conjunto entre la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y University of New Mexico (2010 – presente).

• Research Professor en Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering en UNM (2009 -presente).


Membresías en Sociedades



Presentaciones orales (sin incluir presentaciones en conferencias)
• Victor Murray, “Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation (AM-FM) Methods with Application in Retinal Image Analysis,” Graduate Colloquium, MATH605, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UNM 2009.

• Victor Murray, “Design of hardware using VHDL and FPGAs,” Special training class, Latin American Outreach (LAO), UNM 2010.


• “Robust, Multi-scale, Adaptive-Spacing Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation (AM-FM) Methods with Applications in Digital Images and Digital Video,” Inventors: Victor Manuel Murray Herrera, Marios

S. Pattichis, Peter Soliz, Carla Paola Agurto Rios and Herbert T. Davis III, Patent App. Serial No. 12/586,276. Filed Sept. 18, 2008.

• “Regularized Optimization Approach for Matrix Factorization Reconstruction with Application for AMFM Demodulation,” Inventors: Paul Rodriguez-Valderrama, Marios S. Pattichis and Victor Manuel Murray Herrera, Filed Apr. 12, 2011. Application Serial Number: 13/084,781.

• “Novel Motion Estimation Method,” Inventors: Victor Manuel Murray Herrera, Paul Rodriguez-Valderrama and Marios S. Pattichis, under filing process by STC-UNM. June 30, 2011.

Investigación Financiada, Activa y Completada, Basada en las Patentes y en mi Investigación y Tesis Doctoral, key investigator en todos
• Cellular Elements for Ensemble Based Programmable Matter, $34,942 (UNM portion), AFRL STTR (Grant number AF11-BT26), in pre-award.

• Real-time Image Quality Assessment for Digital Fundus Images, $114,000 (from UNM total=~ $250,000 over two years), Co-PIs: P. Soliz and M.S. Pattichis, NIH STTR Phase II (Grant Number 42EY018971-02A1), 9/1/11 – 8/31/12.

• Stroke Risk Stratification Through Plaque Motion Analysis of Longitudinal Carotid Ultrasound, ($200,000 total, $74,142 for UNM), Co-PIs: S. Barriga and M.S. Patichis. NIH SBIR Phase-I, Recovery Act Limited Competition: Small Business Catalyst Awards for Accelerating Innovative Research (R43), 08/16/2010–08/15/2011.

• Diabetic Retinopathy Image Analysis, $277,418, PI: M.S. Pattichis, NIH RC3 Bridge Program and NIH SBIR Phase II sub-awards to UNM from VisionQuest Biomedical, 7/1/2009 -12/31/2011.

• Diabetic Retinopathy Image Analysis, $29,978, PI: M.S. Pattichis, NIH sub-award to UNM from NIH SBIR Phase II awarded to VisionQuest Biomedical, 10/1/08–9/30/09.

• Diabetic Retinopathy Image Analysis, $107,100, PI: M.S. Pattichis, NIH sub-award to UNM from NIH SBIR Phase II awarded to VisionQuest Biomedical, 08/19/08–08/17/09.

• Real-Time Reconfigurable Systems for Space Applications, $1,562,940. Lead PIs: C. Christodoulou,

M.S. Pattichis. Co-PIs: P. Zarkesh-Ha, S. K. Jayaweera, AFRL Award #FA9453-09-C-0309, 11/24/2008-11/24/2012. Considered for extension to 2/28/14 with additional funding of $750k.

• Continuous-Scale Image & Video Search, PI: M.S. Pattichis, $75,000. DARPA seed funding, 09/15/2007 – 05/15/2008. The funding was executed as a subcontract to the Reconfigurable Parallel Computer Architectures for Space Applications contract.

• Computer-Based Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy, $300,776. PI: M.S. Pattichis, VisionQuest Biomedical, LLC. UNM subcontract for NIH SBIR Phase-II, (award # 1R44EY018280-01A1), Collaborator for NIH grant: 08/18/2008-08/17/2010.


Journal Papers
1. Murray, V., Rodriguez, P. and Pattichis, M.S., “Multi-scale AM-FM Demodulation and Reconstruction Methods with Improved Accuracy,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.19, no.5, pp.1138-1152, May 2010.

2. Agurto, C., Murray, V., Barriga, E., Murillo, S., Pattichis, M.S., Davis, H., Russell, S., Abramoff, M. and Soliz, P., "Multiscale AM-FM Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Detection," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.29, no.2, pp.502-512, Feb. 2010.

3. Loizou, C., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., Pantziaris, M., and Pattichis, C., “Multi-scale Amplitude Modulation-Frequency Modulation (AM-FM) Texture Analysis of Ultrasound Images of the Intima and Media Layers of the Carotid Artery,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.178-188, March 2011.

4. Loizou, C. P., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., Seimenis, I., Pantziaris, M., and Pattichis, C. S., “Multiscale Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation (AM–FM) Texture Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis in Brain MRI Images,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 15, no. 1, pp.119-129, Jan. 2011.

5. Agurto C., Barriga, E.S., Murray, V., Nemeth, S., Crammer, R., Bauman, W., Zamora, G., Pattichis, M.S., and Soliz, P., “Automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration in digital fundus images,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 5862– 5871, 2011.

6. Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Barriga, E.S., and Soliz, P., "Recent multiscale AM-FM methods in emerging applications in medical imaging," in press, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012.

7. Loizou, C.P., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Pattichis, C.S., Pantziaris, M., and Nicolaides, A.N., “Despeckle Filtering for Multiscale Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation (AM-FM) Texture Analysis of Ultrasound Images of the Intima-Media Complex,” to be submitted IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2012.

8. Murray, V., Llamocca, D., Jiang, Y., Lyke, J., Pattichis, M., and Avery, K., “Cell-based Architecture for Adaptive Wiring Panels: A First,” in revision to American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012.

9. Christodoulou, C.I., Kaplanis, P.A., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Pattichis, C.S., and Kyriakides, T., "Multi-scale AM–FM analysis for the classification of surface electromyographic signals," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2012.

Conference Papers
1. Carranza, C., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., and Barriga, E.S., "Multiscale AM-FM Decompositions with GPU acceleration for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening," accepted to IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis & Interpretation, 2012.
2. Agurto, C., Yu, H., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., Barriga, S., and Soliz, P., " Detection of Hard Exudates and Red Lesions in the Macula Using a Multiscale Approach," accepted to IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis & Interpretation, 2012.

3. Murray, V., Agurto, C., Barriga, S., Pattichis, M.S., and Soliz, P., "Real-time Diabetic Retinopathy Patient Screening using Multiscale AM-FM Methods," submitted to International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2012.

4. Murillo, S., Murray, V., Loizou, C.P., Pattichis, C.S., Pattichis, M., and Barriga, S., “Motion and Deformation Analysis of Ultrasound Videos with Applications to Classification of Carotid Artery Plaques,” SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012.

5. Murray, V., Pattichis, M., and Soliz, P., “'Multiscale Directional AM-FM Demodulation of Images Using a 2D Optimized Method,” International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September, 2011.

6. Murray, V., Llamocca, D., Jiang, Y., Lyke, J., Pattichis, M., Achramowicz, S., and Avery, K., “Cellbased Architecture for Adaptive Wiring Panels: A First Approach,” Reinventing Space Conference, Los Angeles, California, May 2011.

7. Agurto, C.P., Barriga, S., Murray, V.M., Murillo, S., Pattichis, M., Zamora, G., Bauman, W.C., and Soliz, P., “Toward comprehensive detection of sight threatening retinal disease using a multiscale AMFM methodology,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Feb. 2011.

8. Rodriguez, P., Murray, V., and Pattichis, M.S., “A Regularized Optimization Approach for AM-FM Reconstructions,” Forty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pp. 219221, 7-10 Nov. 2010.

9. Loizou, C.P., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Pantziaris, M. and Pattichis, C.S., “AM-FM Texture Image Analysis in Brain White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Subjects,” IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis & Interpretation, pp.61-64, 23-25 May 2010.

10. Murray, V., Feucht, G.A., Lyke, J.C., Pattichis, M. and Plusquellic, J., "Cell-Based Architecture for Reconfigurable Wiring Manifolds,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference: AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.

11. Christodoulou, C.I., Kaplanis, P.A., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., and Pattichis, C.S., "Comparison of AM-FM Features with Standard Features for the Classification of Surface Electromyographic Signals," XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, pp. 69-72, 2010.

12. Barriga, E.S., Murray, V., Agurto, C., Pattichis, M., Bauman, W., Zamora, G. and Soliz P., "Automatic System for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Based on AM-FM, Partial Least Squares, and Support Vector Machines," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2010.

13. Soliz, P., Davis, B., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., Barriga, S. and Russel, S. “Toward Automatic Phenotyping of Retinal Images from Genetically Determined Mono-and Dizygotic Twins Using Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation Methods,” SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, Feb. 2010.

14. Agurto, C., Barriga, S., Murray, V., Pattichis, M., Davis, B., and Soliz, P., ”Effects of Image Compression and Degradation on an Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Algorithm,” SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, Feb. 2010.

15. Murray, V., Pattichis, M., and Soliz, P., "Retrieval and classification of pneumoconiosis chest radiograph images using multiscale AM-FM methods," Forty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pp.12-16, 1-4 Nov. 2009.

16. Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Davis, H., Barriga, E.S. and Soliz, P., “Multiscale AM-FM Analysis of Pneumoconiosis X-Ray Images,” Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on, vol., no., pp.4201-4204, 7-10 Nov. 2009.

17. Pattichis, M.S. and Murray, V., "AM-FM Analysis over Spatially Bounded Domains for Applications in Medical Imaging," in Proc. International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, Cyprus, 2009.

18. Murray, V., Barriga, E.S., Soliz, P. and Pattichis, M.S., "Survey of AM-FM methods for Applications on Medical Imaging," in Proc. the Ibero-American Conference on Trends in Engineering Education and Collaboration (CITECI), ISTEC, Albuquerque, N.M., 2009.

19. Christodoulou, C.I., Kaplanis, P.A., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S. and Pattichis, C.S., "Classification of Surface Electromyographic Signals using AM-FM Features," in Proc. International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, Cyprus, 2009.

20. Loizou, C.P., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Christodoulou, C.S., Pantziaris, M., Nicolaides, A. and Pattichis, C.S., "AM-FM Texture Image Analysis and Retrieval of the Intima and Media Layers of the Carotid Artery," in Proc. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Limassol, Cyprus, 2009.

21. Barriga, E.S., Murray, V., Agurto, C., Pattichis, M.S., Russell, S., Abramoff, M.D., Davis, H. and Soliz, P., "Multi-Scale AM-FM for lesion Phenotyping on Age-Related Macular Degeneration," in

Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2009.

22. Christodoulou, C.I., Pattichis, C.S., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S. and Nicolaides, A, “AM-FM Representation for the Characterization of Carotid Plaque Ultrasound Images,” in Proc. 4th European Congress of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 4 pages (page numbers not available yet), November 23-27, 2008.

23. Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S. and Soliz, P., “New AM-FM Analysis Methods for Retinal Image Characterization,” invited in Proc. 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, October 26-29, 2008.

24. Agurto, C., Murillo, S., Murray, V., Pattichis, M.S., Russell, S., Abramoff, M. and Soliz, P., “Detection and Phenotyping of Retinal Disease using AM-FM Processing for Feature Extraction,” invited in Proc. 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, October 26-29, 2008.

25. Murray, V. and Pattichis, M.S., “AM-FM Demodulation Methods for Reconstruction, Analysis and Motion Estimation in Video signals,” 2008 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis, and Interpretation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp. 17-20, March 2008.

26. Murray, V., Murillo, S.E., Pattichis, M.S., Loizou, C.P., Pattichis, C.S., Kyriacou, E. and Nicolaides, A., “An AM-FM model for Motion Estimation in Atherosclerotic Plaque Videos,” invited in the 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 746-750, November 4-7, 2007.

27. Murray, V., Rodriguez, P. and Pattichis, M.S., “Robust Multiscale AM-FM Demodulation of Digital Images,” in Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-2007), San Antonio, Texas, pp. I-465 -I-468, September 16-19, 2007.

28. Murray-Herrera, V.M., “Development of an Architecture for estimating the dominant AM-FM component phase of a digital image using a FPGA,” in Proc. XI International IBERCHIP Workshop, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, Mar. 2005.

29. Murray-Herrera, V.M., Perez-Morris, C.T., and Santillan-Quinonez, G.F., “A PS/2 Mouse Controller for the Interaction with a Variable Resolution Monitor on a FPGA FLEX10K,” in Proc. X International IBERCHIP Workshop, Cartagena, Colombia, Mar. 2004.

30. Murray, V., Uechi, R., and Arbildo, O., “Sensor of discrete levels of distance autocompensated by luminous reflection using optical fibers,” XIV Physic Symposium, Trujillo, Peru, Aug. 2003.

31. Perez-Morris, C., Akamine-Serpa, S., Murray-Herrera, V., and Santillan-Quinonez, G., “Configurable Control of the sample of biomedical signals in real time on a VGA monitor with 640x480 pixels of resolution,” in Proc. IX International IBERCHIP Workshop, La Havana, Cuba, Mar. 2003.

32. Santillan-Quinonez, G. and Murray-Herrera, V., “Logic Analyzer with exit to a VGA monitor with 640x480 pixels of resolution on a FPGA FLEX10K: VG-LOGIC,” in Proc. IX International IBERCHIP Workshop, La Havana, Cuba, Mar. 2003.

33. Perez-Morris, C., Akamine-Serpa, S., Murray-Herrera, V., and Santillan-Quinonez, G., “Configurable Control of the sample of biomedical signals in real time on a VGA monitor with 640x480 pixels of resolution,” IEEE CAS TOUR, Puebla, Mexico, Nov. 2002.

34. Murray Herrera, V.M. and Santillan Quinonez, G.F., “A Controller of a VGA Monitor with 640x480 pixels of resolution on a CPLD FLEX 10K,” in Proc. VIII International IBERCHIP Workshop, Guadalajara, Mexico, Apr. 2002.


1. Agurto Rios, C., Barriga, E.S., Zamora, G., Murray, V., Murillo, S., Yu, H., Bauman, W.C., and Soliz, P., “Automatic Screening Of Eye Diseases Using 3-field Fundus Photographs,” Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2011.

2. Murray, V. and Pattichis, M., “Adaptive Wiring Manifold,” ReSpace/MAPLD Conference, Albuquerque, 2010.

3. Murray, V., Llamocca, D., Jiang, Y., Lyke, J., Pattichis, M., Achramowicz, S., and Avery, K., “Adaptive Wiring Panels using Cell-based Architectures: A First Approach,” Reconfigurable Systems Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2010.

4. Rodriguez, P., Murray, V., and Pattichis, M.S., “A Basis Pursuit Approach for Multi-Scale AM-FM Reconstructions,” SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2010.

5. Barriga, E., Murray, V., Agurto, C., Pattichis, M., Russell, S.R., and Soliz, P., "Automatic Computer-Based Grading for Age-Related Maculopathy," in the 2010 Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2010.

6. Agurto Rios, C., Murray, V., Barriga, S., Pattichis, M.S., Bauman, W.C., and Soliz, P., "Automatic Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Photographs Using AM-FM," in the 2010 Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2010.

7. Agurto, C., Pattichis, M.S., Murillo, S., Murray, V., Abramoff, M.D., Russell, S.R., Barriga, E.S., Davis, H., Soliz, P., “Detection of Structures in the Retina Using AM-FM for Diabetic Retinopathy Classification,” in the 2009 Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2009.

8. Barriga, E.S., Russell, S.R., Pattichis, M.S., Murray, V., Murillo, S., Davis, H., Abramoff, M.D. and Soliz, P., “Relationship Between Visual Features and Analytically Derived Features in Non-Exudated AMD Phenotypes: Closing the Semantic Gap,” in the 2009 Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2009.


Sección de Electricidad y Electrónica Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
• Desarrollo, implementación y mantenimiento del laboratorio de ultima generación de Circuitos Digitales (2003-2004).

• Miembro del comité de acreditación para ABET para el programa de pregrado (2003-2004).


Servicio de arbitraje de Conferencias
• Miembro del comité de arbitraje de International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, Florida, 2012.

• Organizador y miembro del programa Técnico de Reconfigurable Systems Workshop 2010, Albuquerque, NM, 2010.

• Organizador y miembro del programa Técnico de Reconfigurable Systems Workshop 2009, Santa Fe, NM, 2009.

• Miembro del Comité del Programa de 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB’2009), Larnaca, Cyprus, Nov. 5-7, 2009.


Servicios de arbitraje de Journals
• Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2009 – presente).

• Reviewer for Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2010 – presente).

• Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (2010 – presente).

• Reviewer for Int. Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics (2010 – presente).

• Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2010 – presente).

• Reviewer for the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computer (JCSC, 2010 – presente).

• Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2011 – presente).


Actividades Extracurriculares
• Rugby (1998 -presente).

o Deportista calificado PUCP (1998-2004). Campeón nacional (1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). Preselección nacional de Perú sub-21 (2000) y sub-23 (2003). Participaciones nacionales e internacionales (

o Albuquerque Aardvarks Rugby Club, Albuquerque, New Mexico, EE.UU (2008). División II liga nacional de EE.UU. Campeón de Rio Grande Union. Participación en finales Western Championship.

o New Mexico Brujos Rugby Club, Albuquerque, New Mexico, EE.UU. (2009 -presente). División II liga nacional de EE.UU. (



o Como amateur: Albuquerque Soccer League, New Mexico, EE.UU. (2007 -presente). Campeón Men's Third Division (2008 -2009). Campeón Men's Second Division (2009 2010).

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