Peruvian Scientists Quien es: Leonidas Ocola


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Leonidas E. Ocola, PhD

Argonne National Laboratory
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Experimental Facilities Division

9700 South Cass Ave
Bldg. 401, Rm. B3170
Argonne, IL 60439

PH: 630-252-6613
FAX: 630-252-9303

Leonidas E. Ocola es un científico miembro del Centro de Materiales Nanoscópicos y de la División de Installaciones Experimentales del Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne en los Estados Unidos. El señor Ocola recibió su bachillerato (B.Sc.) del la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Lima, Peru) in 1988, su maestría (M.Sc.) de la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison en 1991 y su doctorado (Ph.D.) del la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison en 1996. Todos los grados obtenidos fueron en el campo de Física. Antes de ocupar su presente cargo, el señor Ocola ocupó la posición de investigador asociado por un año y medio en el Centro para Litografia de Rayos X (Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison), seguido por cinco años en los Laboratorios Bell (Lucent Technologies y depues Agere Systems, New Jersey, USA) en la posición de investigador en litographía avanzada. El área de especialidad del Dr. Ocola es litografía de electrones e interacciones entre electrones de alta energía y materiales basados en polímeros. Sus areas de interés también incluyen técnicas de characterización mediante microscopía de fuerza atómica, micro-spectroscopía en el infra-rojo, y spectroscopía de moleculas aisladas. El Dr. Ocola es miembro del panel responsable por el diseño de las instalaciones de litografía para el Centro de Materiales Nanoscópicos en Argonne y es líder del grupo de usuarios de litografía de electrones en Argonne.

Publicaciones Recientes:

L. E. Ocola, D. M. Tennant, P. Ye Microelectronic Engineering, 67, 104, (2003) "Bilayer process for T-gates and Gamma-gates using 100 KV e-beam Lithography" J. A. Liddle, G. Gallatin, L. E. Ocola Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Proc. Online version, 739, H1.5.1, (2003) "Resist Requirements and Limitations for Nanoscale Electron-Beam Patterning" L. E. Ocola J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 156 (2003) "Soluble site density model for negative and positive chemically amplified resists" L. E. Ocola Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 705, 23, (2002) "Resist Requirements for Electron Projection and Direct Write Nanolithography"

R. L. Brainard, G. G. Barclay, E. H. Anderson, L. E. Ocola Microelectronic Engineering, 61-62, 707, (2002) "Resists for next generation lithography"

L. E. Ocola, M. I. Blakey, P. A. Orphanos, W.-Y. Li, R. J. Kasica, A. E. Novembre Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 14, 547, (2001) "Image formation in electron projection and e-beam direct write lithography resists"

L. E. Ocola, M. I. Blakey, P. A. Orphanos, W.-Y. Li, A. E. Novembre in "Forefront of Lithographic Materials Research", H. Ito, M. M. Khojasteh, W. Li (Editors) Society of Plastics Engineers, Mid Hudson Section (2001), pages 31-39 "Resist requirements and results for electron projection lithography"


Name : Leonidas Ernesto Ocola Torres
Birthplace: Lima, Peru
Birth Date: January 7, 1962
Citizenship: Peruvian
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Phone: 630-252-6613


Doctor, PhD., Physics, 1996
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Advisor: David Huber, Ph.D. (Physics)
Thesis Advisor: Franco Cerrina, Ph.D. (ECE)
Thesis: "Electron-Matter Interactions in X-ray and Electron Beam Lithography"

Masters, M.Sc., Physics, 1991
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Academic Requirements fulfilled: May 1991.

Licenciate, Lic., Physics, 1988
Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru
Advisor: Domingo Aliaga, Doctor (Physics)
Thesis : "Physical Properties of Fe-Cr based Steels studied by Conversion Electron
Mössbauer Spectroscopy"

Bachelor, B.Sc., Physics, 1988
Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru
Academic Requirements fulfilled: December 1986

1987 Particle and Accelerator Physics Summer School
Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA

Positions Held

Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory (2002 - to date)
Management Technical Staff, Agere Systems (2001 - 2002)
Management Technical Staff, Lucent Technologies (1997 - 2001)
Research Associate, Center for X-ray Lithography (1996 - 1997)
Research Assistant, Center for X-ray Lithography (1990 - 1996)
Teaching Assistant, Physics Department (1988 - 1989)


a) Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), 9 years
b) Pattern placement, 3 years
c) Nanolithography, 5 years
d) Modelling in Physics, 15 years
e) Material characterization, 17 years


a) Programming Languages: FORTRAN, BASIC, C (little)
b) Electron beam lithography, [Leica EBMF 10.5, JEOL 6000FS, JEOL 9300FS]
c) Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM,STM,LFM,SThM, SEPM)
d) Scanning Electron Microscopy, [JEOL, Hitachi ]
e) Transmission Electron Microscopy, [JEOL 100 kV]
f) Mössbauer Spectroscopy, [in Peru]

Other Activities

a) SRC Industrial Mentor to Univerisyt of Wisconsin (1998 - 2002)

b) EIPBN Conference (1999 - 2003)
Section head for the Resist Section of the 43rd - 47th
International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication.


SCoE CXrL Programs Review,
Madison, Wisconsin, 1995
Best Presentation (Poster or Talk) :
"AFM measurements of latent image topography in photoresists."

CONCYTEC [National Council of Science and Technology],
Lima, Peru, 1989
Best Thesis in Physical Metallurgy :
"Physical Properties of Fe-Cr based Steels studied by Conversion Electron Mössbauer

Papers Published

39. L. E. Ocola, D. M. Tennant, P. Ye
Microelectronic Engineering, Proc. MNE 2002, in press
"Bilayer process for T-gates and Gamma-gates using 100 KV e-beam Lithography"
38. J. A. Liddle, G. Gallatin, L. E. Ocola
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (2002), 739, H1.5.1, in press
"Resist Requirements and Limitations for Nanoscale Electron-Beam Patterning"
37. L. E. Ocola
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 156 (2003)
"Soluble site density model for negative and positive chemically amplified resists"
36. A. Stein, C. Jacobsen, K. Evans-Lutterodt, D. M. Tennant, G. Bogart, F. Klemens, L. E. Ocola,
B. J. Choi, and S. V. Sreenivasan,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21, 214 (2003)
"Diffractive x-ray optics using production fabrication methods"
35. L. E. Ocola
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 705, 23, (2002)
"Resist Requirements for Electron Projection and Direct WRite Nanolithography"
34. R. L. Brainard, G. G. Barclay, E. H. Anderson, L. E. Ocola
Microelectronic Engineering, 61-62, 707, (2002)
"Resists for next generation lithography"
33. L. E. Ocola, W.-Y. Li, R. J. Kasica, M. I. Blakey, P. A. Orphanos, W. K. Waskiewicz, A. E. Novembre, M. Sato
J. Photopolymer Science and Technology, 14, 547, (2001)
32. L. E. Ocola, R. C. Farrow, R. J. Kasica, C. G. Caminos, L. Rutberg, R.. F. Fullowan, K. Teffeau,
M. I. Blakey, M. L. Peabody, C. S. Knurek, G. R. Bogart, A. E. Novembre, J. A. Liddle,
M. Lercel, C. Magg, K. Collins, M. Trybendis, N. Cadwell, R. Jeffer,
W. J. Dauksher, D. J. Resnick, D. Mancini, S. I. Han, Z. Masnyj, K. Smith, P. J. S. Mangat
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 2659 (2001)
"Pattern placement correction methodology for 200 mm SCALPEL masks"
31. J. A. Liddle, M. I. Blakey, K. Bolan, R. C. Farrow, G. M. Gallatin, R.. Kasica, V. Katsap, C. S. Knurek,
J. Li, M. Mkrtchyan, A. E. Novembre, L. Ocola, P. A. Orphanos, M. L. Peabody, S. T. Stanton, K. Teffeau,
W. K. Waskiewicz, E. Munro,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 19, 476 (2001)
"Space-charge effects in projection electron-beam lithography: Results from the SCALPEL
proof-of-lithography system"
30. L. E. Ocola, P. A. Orphanos, W.-Y. Li, W. Waskiewicz, A. E. Novembre, M. Sato,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 18, 3435 (2000)
"Roughness study of a positive tone high performance SCALPEL resist"
29. L. E. Ocola, W.-Y. Le, R. J. Kasica, M. I. Blakey, P. A. Orphanos, W. K. Waskiewicz, A. E. Novembre, M. Sato,
Microelec. Eng., 53, 433, (2000)
"Monte Carlo study of high performance resist for SCALPEL nanolithography"
28. L. E. Ocola, M. I. Blakey, P. A. Orphanos, W.-Y. Li, A. E. Novembre, R. L. Brainard, J. F. Mackevich,
G. N. Taylor,
Proc. SPIE, 3997, 194, (2000)
"Optimization of DUV chemically amplified resist platforms for SCALPEL e-beam exposure"
27. R. C. Farrow, W. K. Waskiewicz, I. Kizilyali, G. Gallatin, J. A. Liddle, M. Mkrtchyan, A. Kornblit, L. Ocola,
F. Klemens, J. A. Felker, C. Biddick, J. S. Kraus, M. Blakey, P. Orphanos, N. Layadi, S. Merchant
Proc. SPIE, 3676, 217, (1999)
"Alignment mark detection in CMOS materials with SCALPEL e-beam lithography"
26. M. Sato, K. Ohmori, K. Ishikawa, T. Nakayama, A. E. Novembre, L. E. Ocola,
Proc. SPIE, 3676, 227, (1999)
"Resist Characteristics with direct write electron beam and SCALPEL exposure system"
25. S. J. Spector, P. Luo, A. E. Novembre, L. Ocola, D. L. White, D. M. Tennant, O. R. Wood II
Proc. SPIE, 3676, 606, (1999)
"Development of a technique for rapid at-wavelength inspection of EUV mask blanks"
24. M. Sato, L. E. Ocola, A. E. Novembre, K. Ohmori, K. Ishikawa, K. Katsumata, T. Nakayama
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B17, 2873, (1999)
"Characteristics for negative and positive tone resists with direct write electron beam and
SCALPEL exposure systems"
23. S. J. Spector, D. L. White, D. M. Tennant, L. E. Ocola, A. E. Novembre, M. L. Peabody, O. R. Wood II,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 17, 3003, (1999)
"Technique for rapid at wavelength inspection of extreme ultraviolet mask blanks"
22. D. M. Tennant, G. L. Timp, L. E. Ocola, M. Green, T. Sorsch, A. Kornblit, F. Klemens, R. Kleiman,
Y. Kim, W. Timp,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B17, 3158, (1999)
"Progress toward a 30 nm silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor gate technology"
21. L. E. Ocola, D. Tennant, G. Timp, A. Novembre,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 17, 3164, (1999)
"Lithography for sub-60 nm resist nanostructures"
20. R. C. Farrow, A. E. Novembre, M. Peabody, R. Kasica, M. Blakey, J. A. Liddle, K. Werder, R. DeMarco, L. Ocola,
L. Rutberg, T. Saunders, J. Unruh, F. Qian, M. Smith,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B16, 3582, (1998)
"Commercialization of SCALPEL masks"
19. L. E. Ocola, C. J. Biddick, D. M. Tennant, W. K. Waskiewicz, A. E. Novembre,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B16, 3705, (1998)
"Negative chemically amplified resist characterization for direct write and SCALPEL
18. G. Timp, F. H. Baumann, K. K. Bourdelle, J. E. Bower, T. Boone R. Cirelli, K. Evans-Lutterodt, J. Garno,
A. Ghetti, M. L. Green, H. Gossman, D. Jacobson, Y.O. Kim, R. Kleiman, F. Klemens, A. Kornblit,
G. Lochstampfor, W. Mansfield, S. Moccio, D. Muller, M. O'Malley, L. Ocola, J. Rosamilia, J. Sapjeta,
P. Silverman, T. Sorsch, W. Timp, D. Tennant, B. Wier
IEDM Tech. Digest, IEEE publication, 615, (1998)
"Progress Toward 10nm CMOS Devices"
17. G. Timp, A. Agarwal, K. K. Bourdelle, J. E. Bower, T. Boone, A. Ghetti, M. L. Green, J. Garno, H. Gossmann,
D. Jacobson, R. Kleiman, A. Kornblit, F. Klemens, S. Moccio, M. L. O'Malley, L. Ocola, J. Rosamillia,
J. Sapjeta, P. J. Silverman, T. W. Sorch, W. Timp, D. Tennant,
IEDM Tech. Digest, IEEE publication, 1041, (1998)
"Ultra-Thin Gate Oxides and Ultra-Shallow Junctions for High Performance, Sub-100nm pMOSFETs"
16. R. C. Farrow, W. K. Waskiewicz, L. Ocola, et al
MNE98, Leuven, Belgium, 9/22-24/98
"CMOS Compatible Alignment Marks for the SCALPEL Proof-of-Lithography Tool"
15. A. Novembre, L. Ocola, F. Houlihan, C. Knurek, M. Blakey,
15th Conf. Of Photopolymer Science & Tech., Chiba, Japan, 6/23-26/98; IBM, Invited Talk,
Yorktown Heights, 6/98,
"New developments in Resist Materials for SCALPEL Technology".
14. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina, T. May,
Appl. Phys. Lett, 6, 847, (1997)
"Synchrotron radiation micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy applied to photoresist
13. D. J. D Carter, A. Pepin, M. R. Schweizer, H. I. Smith, L. E. Ocola,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B15, 2509, (1997)
"Direct measurement of the effect of substrate photoelectrons in x-ray nanolithography"
12. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina, T. May,
J. Vac. Sci. Tecnol., B15, 2545, (1997)
"Latent image characterization of postexposure bake process in chemically amplified resists"
11. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina, S. Kämmer, P. Troccolo,
Technical Note Z96107, Semiconductor Research Corporation, July, (1996)
"Latent image formation: sub-micron thermal calorimetry measurements of chemically amplified resists"
10. L. E. Ocola, D. Fryer, P. Nealey, J. dePablo, F. Cerrina, S. Kämmer,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B14, 3974, (1996)
"Latent image formation: Nano-scale topography and calorimetric measurements in chemically
amplified resists"
9. L. E. Ocola, D. S. Fryer, G. Reynolds, A. Krasnoperova, F. Cerrina,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 68, 717, (1996)
"Scanning force microscopy measurements of latent image topography in chemically amplified resists"
8. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B12, 3986, (1994)
"Parametric modeling at resist-substrate interfaces"
7. M. Khan, L. Mohammad, J. Xiao, L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B12, 3930, (1994)
"Optimal wavelength for x-ray lithography"
6. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B11, 2839, (1993)
"Parametric modeling of photoelectron effects in x-ray lithography"
5. A. A. Krasperonova, S. Turner, L. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B11, 2829, (1993)
"Effect of low-solubility surface layer on development of AZ-PF514"
4. L. E. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 306, 47, (1993)
"Modelling photoelectron effects in x-ray lithography"
3. A. A. Krasperonova, M. T. Reilly, S. Turner, L. Ocola, F. Cerrina,
Proc. SPIE, 1925, 323, (1993)
"Prebake and post-exposure bake effects on the dissolution of AZ-PF"
2. F. Cerrina, J. Z. Y. Guo, S. Turner, L. Ocola, M. Khan, P. Anderson,
Microelec. Eng., 17, 135, (1992)
"Image formation in x-ray lithography: Process optimization"
1. V. White, L. Ocola, F. Cerrina, Y. Vladimirsky, J. Maldonado,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B9, 3270, (1991)
"Photoelectron effects in x-ray mask replication"

Invited Presentations

1. ICO XVII, Panel Discussion on Extendibility of DUV and X-ray Lithography, August, 1996, talk and panelist
"X ray Lithography : Status and Limits"
2. XEL '95, Osaka, Japan, July, 1995, invited talk,
"Patterning Limits of X ray Lithography"

Teléfono 9965-7402

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